Thursday 6 January 2011

Four Blogs I Follow

The title pretty much sums up what this blog is about. Four blogs, in no particular order, that I happen to follow. A pro-gay-rights blog put up by a gay cartoonist. The dry satire he used to deal with the idiocy spouted by conservative Canada (the country he happens to live in) is hilarious. Right now you can read his take of the DADT fiasco by scrolling down on the main page. He's also put up some more hopeful pro-gay stuff, like when two gay "mounties" got married a couple of years back, and everyone was accepting and happy. The only blogger I follow that I actually know personally. Sam is a passionate vegan and a very verbal supporter of green politics and liberalism (though not the Lib Dems). He also reviews apple products, which I tend to skim over, but some of you may find interesting... present topics for discussion on here are the failings of the Tory government, and why government in general is apparently trying to control your mind. Another gay-run blog, this features rapid updates about equal rights issues and the various failings and bigotry among the right. And when I say rapid, I mean several times a day. I don't know how he manages it...

And lastly, to keep me some sort of balanced, I try to follow a conservative blog now and then- the blog in question being Prevalently featuring is her reasoning as to why homosexuals shouldn't have rights and why the welfare state (or the American version of it) is a terrible thing.

So, that's that. If you're reading in the morning of the sixth of January, as I am, have a good sixth of January. If not, I hope you're enjoying yourself at whatever stretch of human history you happen to be inhabiting.

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