Monday 27 June 2011

Crazy American Government Arrests Woman Crazily, and Suspiciously Similar Articles are Suspiciously Similar.

Yay! A link!

The story is that a woman in America is being charged with murder for having a miscarriage. The charge goes that the woman had a drug habit the unborn baby died because of that, therefore the woman is a murderer. The woman denies taking drugs during her pregnancy, and there is no evidence that the miscarriage had anything to do with drugs.
It is not an overstatement to say that this is a violation of freedom, justice, civil rights and nearly every single thing in the universe with intrinsic value. My only consolation is that the reaction in America had been described as an "outcry", so maybe we aren't all subservient sheep. Not totally, anyway.

Oh, and while we're here:
I was browsing what various news outlets had to say about gay marriage being passed in the US state of New York (which I didn't blog about because everything I could have said was predictable and obvious), and found that this article from the Independent and this article from France 24 were largely identical. Which is worrying. I'm not going totally conspiracy theorist and saying that there's a big organisation controlling all the international news outlets, because that's probably silly. But I am saying that new broadcasters are apparently lazy and more ignorant that we'd like them to be, and the stream of information is easily manipulated. So you be careful out there.

God bless!  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's funny, if you read news articles from different sources (and especially different countries) you start to notice sentences being worded the same, or ideas progressing in exactly the same way and even whole paragraphs sometimes.

    And, recently, the Irish Prime Minister read the exact same speech about something or other that Obama made two years ago.

    It really is disconcerting that they all seem so lazy in their journalism and politics...
