Thursday 28 July 2011

Why are people Sexist and/or Homophobic?

For years, decades, centuries, even millennia, men have dominated the scene. Males have been the political, spiritual and cultural leaders of the human race, with women safely contained in the role of "pretty things which make babies and sandwiches for us".  Then along came feminism.

At some point in the nineteenth century, women finally began to demand mastery of their own lives. They struck out at the chauvinist-imposed box surrounding them and keeping them in their singular, dissatisfactory role in society. And, eventually, the conscience of the dominating males kicked in, and women were gradually granted rights and freedom and equality and the rest of it.

This posed a problem for a lot of men. Until then, they had been able to satisfy, unchallenged, the primordial instincts which made them want to keep women as sex objects which would make food and children when required. Now, without the intense social pressure on women to be married and submit to male authority, they found they had to work a lot harder for sex/food/breeding.

And so this is where the sexism we encounter now came from. It was, and is, a reaction to the society which places such frustrating value on fairness and equality to those in our world with functioning uteri. Sexists are those who cannot bear to restrain their reptilian attitude towards females, and so object to any measure to give their objects of desire the power to retaliate and be independent.

I strongly believe that this is where all sexism and chauvinism comes from. It is the basis for any drivel about "traditional family structures" and gender-specific parental roles and the idea that because you have a penis you should be better adapted to earning money to feed your children. Anyone who wants their wife to be confined to the kitchen and bedroom all her life should thoroughly re-educate themselves before they are allowed within ten feet of anyone or anything remotely female-shaped.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that this blog post was also intended to be about homophobia. So, where do the gays come in to all this?

Essentially, homosexuality is another challenge to the idea that all humanity should be placed into the kind of family with a dominant man and submissive, adoring wife. If men are sleeping with other men, and therefore have no reason to keep a wife in the house, then mankind loses yet more of it's control over womankind, dammit! And if women are sleeping with other women, men lose their one way to entice women into subservient marriages, double dammit!

This wasn't an issue in antiquity, where most males slept with women for babies and men for fun. But then someone noticed that it was actually quite fun to sleep with women, too. So the common family structure we know and love today arose, with men demanding both pleasure-sex and baby-sex from women. Homosexuality was a challenge to the chauvinistic marital structure, so it had to go.

This is NOT an attack on heterosexual marriage itself. I do not deny that it works best for the majority of human beings.
All I am opposing is the attitude that all human beings, particularly women, must enter marriages or be outcast from civilised society (and it's many watered-down forms).

And that's about that.

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