Monday 4 April 2011

Why PornWikiLeaks May Signify The End Of Civilised Society

This just in! (two days ago)

A site called Porn WikiLeaks has been publishing the names  of ex- and current porn stars to the internet. The site itself appears to be down at the moment, but it's allegedly been active since December, and it's certainly caused a lot of havoc while it was around.

The names appear to have been gathered via a security breach of the data base of an STI testing clinic in Los Angeles. The database is used by employers in the pornography industry to check whether potential actors and actresses are safe to work for them.
The man who claims to be behind it has helpfully informed us of his intentions behind creating the website with the following highly eloquent email response:

To get the gays out of straight porn and illegal gay pimps that have ruined porn and shut it down making condoms mandatory by the government now. The fag loving has got to stop. California is full of gay Mexicans and now they can even marry which is so wrong.

Anyway. Onto the opinions!

This is a despicable, degrading act whose enactor has shown no respect for his fellow human beings.
I don't care if you disagree with pornography. People's private details remain that, private. It's a natural reaction not to want to be judges by the scouring masses seeking to build a podium out of those they can think of as inferior; and it is a basic human right to fulfil
 that reaction, too. It is never acceptable to overrule that right, and degrade someone's quality of life to such a huge extent.

Porn WikiLeaks, in my view, is the ultimate consequence of the culture that has built up around tabloid journalism and the like. Increasingly, we are seeing anyone who strays into the public arena as images to direct hate and love towards, and forget that they are humans, with, you know, rights and such. We are viewing anyone with any vague celebrity status as characters in some long-running sitcom, whose misfortunes exist only for our entertainment- and as such, we somehow consider their personal details to be our rightful property. And as I mentioned earlier; we continue to use excessively the failures and imperfections of others to make ourselves feel better. It's all quite sickening. 

We can get along just as well in life, probably much better, without obsessing over the details of the lives of some random people who are supposed to be more talented at a certain profession than average people. Is it too much to ask for us to focus on our own lives? No, it's not. In fact, it's the only rational thing to do. Now do it.

This blog post sort of swung pretty widely between two not-very-related topics, but hopefully it made sense. I've wanted to rant about tabloid journalism for a while now, and while this was more of an incomplete and unsatisfactory half-rant, at least I've got started!

So, yeah. Porn stars are people too. Now go be nice to them. 

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