Thursday 28 April 2011

Social Awkwardness

Is annoying. Like, really annoying.

Those moments when you're alone with someone who you've no idea how well you know. Well, you do, but you don't know how well they think you know them, or how well they consider to know you. So you don't know what you are and aren't allowed to say. If you keep it to the basics, you're lame, if you chat with them like a friend, you might end up sounding rude.

Those moments where someone waves at a patch of reality which sort-of covers you, so you don't know whether or not they're waving at you. Your dilemma is to ignore them and look rude, or wave back and look like a needy fool.

Those moments when someone says something, and you're in your own world and don't register they're talking to you until a point in time where it's weird to respond, and now officially a rude unsociable buggerface.

Those moments where you can't help but feel you're a unnecessary third wheel.

Those moments where you somehow forget how to talk and end up repeating the same phrase three million times like a crappy broken record.

I hate those moments. They are slowly ruining my life.
Well, not really. It was hyperbole. But the point still stands.

Sorry, not political or philosophical musings today. Just trying to show solidarity with my fellow socially inept geeks/nerds/losers/whatever else we call ourselves. Or something. Hopefully it didn't sound too miserable. :P

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