Thursday, 6 October 2011

Keep Calm and Carry On

There's a poster in my room now which reads "Keep Calm and DFTBA". I would like to share it's significance for me with you lot.

The poster is of course yet another spin on the "Keep Calm and Carry On" posters which were present in the UK during the blitz. These posters were set up everywhere to remind people not to despair at the world falling to pieces around them, but to pick themselves up and carry on until the future dawned.

People (including me) often find themselves going through what we might call emotional blitzes. Times when everything hurts to the extent where you can't even enjoy the good things in life properly. Times when everything you depend on seems to be falling apart. Times when all you want to do is curl up into a ball and hide from the world forever.

My poster is a reminder of three things.
-John and Hank Green and the Nerdfighter community, and all the awesome which espouses from them.
-To Not Forget to be Awesome
-To Keep Calm and Carry On during the times I outlined above.

We all need reminders during the long nights that day will follow. For me, my new poster is one of them. For you, I hope this blog post can be one. (Though that's probably a bit pretentious.)

Depression is ultimately temporary. Don't let it take away the rest of your future. Because the rest of your future is damn worth the wait.

Keep Calm and Carry On. 


  1. Keep calm and eat cupcakes! - as my own poster says. =]

  2. YES! Cupcakes make everything well. :D
