Saturday, 29 October 2011

How To Solve Things

There are two kinds of solutions. Solutions which negate problems, and solutions which end problems.

When faced with a problem, your choice (apart from giving up) is to try and skirt around the problem and continue on your way, or to stop the problem from existing so that it never comes up again. To climb over the wall, or to pull it down.

People (very much including me) often opt for the former. The negating-problem-solution usually takes less effort, and we have faith that sooner or later someone better than us will come along and sort out the problem for good.

But as always seems to be the case, the world would be much better if we chose the more effortous option. If we were more willing to face problems head-on and sort them out, it would be much more beneficial for both us and the rest of humanity.

Politicians (as well as, like, everyone) often seem to go for the former kind of solution. You often see our world leaders tackling issues by trying to push the effects further into the future, so that someone else with more time on their hands can sort it out, not them. Global warming and the endless debt crisis are good examples of this. And we all know where we're ending up there.

It's like there's a room full of deadly lasers which everyone keeps having to move around in order to live their lives. The switch to turn off the lasers is all the way on the other side of the room, and no-one wants to walk all the way over there when they can just compensate by ducking or stepping over beams occasionally. It would make much more sense to make the long bendy trip over to the switch once, instead of letting everyone carry on trying to ignore and evade the lasers of doom everywhere.

So that's my musing for today. I hope it brought joy to your life.

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