Wednesday 11 January 2012

Politician Logic Strikes Again

Today at Prime Minister's Questions, the regular tiff between David Cameron and Ed Miliband went down something like this:

Miliband: Why are train ticket prices so high when you promised they wouldn't rise 1% above inflation?
Cameron: Because Labour introduced that policy.
Miliband: No, we changed it, your government introduced the policy.
Cameron: No, it's Labour policy. BTW, have you heard of all this awesome stuff we're doing like electrifying railways and building HS2?
Milliband: Admit it, the train companies' power over ticket prices is your policy.
Cameron: Well, yes, okay, Labour introduced it and then reversed it in 2010, then we brought it back. But Labour were going to bring it back after election year anyway, so it's really their fault!

Uh. Right.
So Labour introduced a law then got rid of it. Cameron's government then made the decision to bring back the law once they got into power. And yet the fact we now have the law is Labour's fault, according to Cameron's impeccable display of Politician Logic.
Even if Labour was going to bring it back (not that there's any way Cameron could have known that), it doesn't mean the Tories didn't have the option not to.

I just can't believe how stupid he thinks we must be, to swallow this horrifically badly thought out attempt to shove responsibility over to the opposition. That seems to be the main Tory propaganda tactic at the moment: blame Labour for every unpopular decision we make, and if that's completely impossible, let the Lib Dems function as a human shield.

Not that Labour are much better. But still.

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