Okay, so I missed Gay Friday. And failed to make up for it with a Gay Saturday. But I have a Gay Sunday lined up for you! That's good enough, right?
Two pieces of g'news for you today. The first is this tragic statistic that claims that violent homophobic crime has increased by 28% in the London area. 1,202 hate attacks on gays were reported last year in the city, the number this year is 1,545. Racist attacks have also risen, from 9,617 incidents to 10,268. The racism figure is for the last four years, but it's still fairly sickening
If I was to guess the reason for the increase, I would link back to this post in which I argued that we are going through the death of the bigoted right, and they are making one last, drawn-out cacophony of bigoted noise as a result.American Republicans and British Nationalists alike are systematically condemning minority groups such as Muslims, immigrants and people on benefits as well as the LGBT community. And unfortunately, there are those who take their words to heart.
Don't get me wrong, people like Ruby Thomas (mentioned in the PinkNews article) are always going to find someone to be violent towards. But the amount of hate spewing out the mouths of the righties regarding ethnic and queer minorities puts members of said minorities in the hate-filled spotlight that makes them such a target for the violent.
On a lighter note, Lady Gaga (one of my new favourite people) roundly pwned a homophobic punter outside one of her gigs in Ottawa last month, and it seems like everyone I know missed it! Basically, the silly man was shouting homophobic slander, and added in the usual "LOL Gaga's a man" crap, as they do, and Gaga was just like "yeah, you're an idiot". Then he got personal about friend-of-Gaga Adam Lambert, and she poured a drink over his head and stormed away. Which we should all take a moment to applause her for.
Have you applaused? No? APPLAUSE, DARN IT! Thank you.
Anyway, in case you were wondering, the main point of this post is to provide ammunition against anti-gay types, particularly those who say "ZOMG gays make such a fuss about EVERYTHING there SOOO not actually discriminated against!!" Yeah, people like that do exist. I may return and add a link to someone like that later.
But, for now,
Happy Sunday!
Two pieces of g'news for you today. The first is this tragic statistic that claims that violent homophobic crime has increased by 28% in the London area. 1,202 hate attacks on gays were reported last year in the city, the number this year is 1,545. Racist attacks have also risen, from 9,617 incidents to 10,268. The racism figure is for the last four years, but it's still fairly sickening
If I was to guess the reason for the increase, I would link back to this post in which I argued that we are going through the death of the bigoted right, and they are making one last, drawn-out cacophony of bigoted noise as a result.American Republicans and British Nationalists alike are systematically condemning minority groups such as Muslims, immigrants and people on benefits as well as the LGBT community. And unfortunately, there are those who take their words to heart.
Don't get me wrong, people like Ruby Thomas (mentioned in the PinkNews article) are always going to find someone to be violent towards. But the amount of hate spewing out the mouths of the righties regarding ethnic and queer minorities puts members of said minorities in the hate-filled spotlight that makes them such a target for the violent.
On a lighter note, Lady Gaga (one of my new favourite people) roundly pwned a homophobic punter outside one of her gigs in Ottawa last month, and it seems like everyone I know missed it! Basically, the silly man was shouting homophobic slander, and added in the usual "LOL Gaga's a man" crap, as they do, and Gaga was just like "yeah, you're an idiot". Then he got personal about friend-of-Gaga Adam Lambert, and she poured a drink over his head and stormed away. Which we should all take a moment to applause her for.
Have you applaused? No? APPLAUSE, DARN IT! Thank you.
Anyway, in case you were wondering, the main point of this post is to provide ammunition against anti-gay types, particularly those who say "ZOMG gays make such a fuss about EVERYTHING there SOOO not actually discriminated against!!" Yeah, people like that do exist. I may return and add a link to someone like that later.
But, for now,
Happy Sunday!
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